Betrayal Trauma with Rochelle from My Dear Sister

Betrayal Trauma is the invisible, insidious isolator of both men and women. Rochelle describes the effects of betrayal trauma as one who is wandering in the wilderness looking for safety. If you are unfamiliar with this phenomenon, please listen as Rochelle brilliantly exposes the deep pain and possibility for healing. Betrayal trauma can be caused within any system of trust -- church, marriage, partnership and family. If you feel as though your world has come crashing down through betrayal -- this podcast is for you.  Rochelle holds a M.Ed., she is a life long learner and survivor of domestic violence. You can find her reading, writing or walking the dogs. She is passionately companioning women who have been devastated by the affects of betrayal trauma. Her certifications include: Masters in Education, Certificate in The Vulnerable Child Course through Mending the Soul Ministries and Immanuel Approach Training with Dr. Karl Lehman, trained and certified in Lethal Means Reduction and Suicide Prevention, Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy, and Facilitating Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Groups Find her at: