Karen DeArmond Gardner -- "Why I Stayed in Abuse for So Long"

Thirty years, four months, and two days after she said, "I do," Karen DeArmond Gardner left an abusive marriage.

Karen is now an author, speaker, and trauma advocate. Karen provides emotional and spiritual support for survivors of domestic abuse. She helps women understand what they are going through is normal and necessary, so they can go from hopelessness to hope and from death to life.

Karen is the author of Hope for Healing from Domestic Abuse. Karen speaks on "Sitting with Jesus in the Darkness" and training volunteers on trauma and abuse. She lives in Texas with her husband Tom Gardner. Karen is the founder of Another One Free, that includes mentoring and inner healing. Karen and Tom own a private security company.

Listen as Karen and Meg discuss why she stayed in abuse for so long and how she found her way out of it. Above all, Karen wants our listeners to know that  God loves you more than he hates divorce (though he doesn't), and loves you more than he loves marriage.

You can find Karen on Facebook here:

https://www.facebook.com/anotheronefree AND https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedandrisingtherefuge/




And her book: https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Healing-Domestic-Abuse- Reaching/dp/0825446945/